Choose Plants Native to Colorado

They are naturally adapted to Colorado’s climates, soils and environmental conditions. This means that by choosing native plants, gardeners can work with nature. Trying to grow plants that are not suited to our local conditions may prove to be difficult to work with. Read more reasons to choose natives from the Colorado Native Plant Society below. For information on small acreage management and yard services, visit the Larimer County Extension

  • Make ideal plants for sustainable landscapes
  • Require less external inputs such as water and fertilizer
  • Are more resistant to pests and disease 
  • Helps maintain biodiversity and restore habitat
  • Landscape water use accounts for about 55% of the residential water used across the state of Colorado, most of which is used on turf. Planting less-thirsty natives has the potential to lessen the burden on our water systems.
  • Prevents the introduction and spread of noxious weeds.
  • Provide habitat for songbirds and pollinators



swamp milkweed
blue flax