Every BHS grantee is responsible for supplying an interim and final report detailing the use of your grant award according to the schedule outlined in the Grant Agreement.

Interim Report 

The interim report is intended to be a check-in on the progress of your program. The time and effort to complete the interim report is minimal. Once submitted, the LCBHS team will review it. If they have questions or see that the program/project has encountered challenges impacting your ability to meet your objectives, the Program Manager will follow up.

*NEW for 2024: Interim Report sections are now streamlined into one form and require only one click to Submit. Log into the SmartSimple Grant Portal to submit your Interim Report on or before the due date. Use the “Save Draft” feature to save your work as you go.

Watch the 5-Minute "How To" Video Tutorial.


  1. Narrative Questions:
  • Explain any significant changes (positive or negative) impacting this program/project
  • Optional: Is there anything you need from us right now to help you succeed?
  • ​​​Optional: Is there anything else you would like to share?
  1. Budget Table: Complete the expenditures-to-date in the table and describe the status of your expenses in more detail. 
  2. Objective Table: Quantify the progress for each objective in the objective table and briefly elaborate on the progress made towards each objective.
  3. Optional: Upload any supplemental materials, photos, or supporting documentation

Final Report 

The final report is intended to showcase your program/project’s impact, but also to share what went well and what didn’t go well so we have the opportunity to stay informed about potential future needs. The final report requires documentation such as financial reports and population data. Providing supporting documentation for your objectives to “show your work” is encouraged as well as any compelling stories you’d like to share and whether LCBHS funds were promoted throughout the grant period.  

Below are several resources for you to complete the Final Report:

  • Final Report Workshop
    Recorded presentation of the Final Report Workshop that summarized final report resources, the evaluation, and close-out process, and tips for navigating the grant portal to submit your final report.
  • Final Report Outline
    Guidance on how to complete your final report.
  • Final Report Grant Portal Instructions
    Step-by-step instructions for accessing the grant portal and inputting your final report documentation.
  • Demographic Data Reporting Table
    Worksheet to report information about the populations you served through your grant dollars.