Neighborhood Watch program started over 40 years ago and has proven to be the most cost-effective crime prevention program. It is easy to implement and maintain and can help reduce crime in your neighborhood. It can be organized around a block, business, church, or apartment building.

This program is designed to:

  • Unite the community and increase neighborhood cohesion
  • Improve surveillance and crime reporting by citizens
  • Prevent and reduce crime
  • Support homeland security

Start Your Own Neighborhood Watch

  • Talk to your neighbors about coming together to learn about getting a program started.
  • Our crime prevention team members will attend your meeting and provide a presentation and materials for your group. It will teach you how to get your program started, what and how to report, and all the other things you need to know to be successful! It has a proven track record of reducing crime and uniting neighborhoods.
  • It’s easy, it’s effective, and it’s free! 

For more information or to schedule your meeting, call (970) 498-5159. 

Additional Resources