2013-2018 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Overview
Goal 1: Safety & Wellbeing
Goal 2: Economic Development
Goal 3: Emergency Management
Goal 4: Transportation
Goal 5: Collaborate
Goal 6: Operations
Goal 7: Customer Service
The people of Larimer County Government, consistent with our shared vision, are dedicated to delivering the services mandated by law, and services determined by the Elected Officials to be necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Larimer County. In doing so, we hold to the following:
- To work for the benefit of all the citizens of Larimer County and consistently take the customers' interest and their changing needs into consideration when making decisions;
- To hold the citizens' funds in trust, and seek to make the most efficient use of those dollars by employing them prudently, honestly, and without favor;
- To maintain and enhance our skills, knowledge and professionalism in order to serve the residents of Larimer County in a competent and effective manner;
- To respect and uphold the rights of all individuals, regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, political beliefs or socioeconomic status;
- To seek constant improvement in the provision of services through innovation, integrity and competence;
- To incorporate positive character values in our daily activities.
Larimer County is a thriving, friendly place where people of all ages, cultures, and economic backgrounds live, work, play, and most of all, call home. Whether you are a first-time visitor or long-time resident, you enjoy spending time here.
- Our strength lies in the diversity, talents and character of our people. We encourage and foster an environment of respect, supporting both physical and mental health.
- Our county is beautiful and clean. We protect our air and water, open spaces and natural resources.
- We are prepared for wildfires, floods and water supply. There are plenty of things to do both in nature and within our local communities.
- We have safe and clean neighborhoods, schools, businesses, roads, structures and parks throughout our county.
- A prosperous economy is powered by innovation, education, a business-friendly atmosphere, well paying jobs, affordable housing, and convenient transportation networks that keep pace with growth.
- We place a priority on our youth and their healthy development so that quality of life extends to future generations.
- We "tell our story" so our residents understand, engage and are fully vested in our shared Community Vision.
We promote collaboration with citizens, local governments, businesses, non-profits and community organizations by working together to create the County's future. This vision is stewarded by a continuously improving government that acts with common sense as it conducts County business. County services are accessible and convenient,
supported by a solid funding plan with predictable and diverse revenue.
supported by a solid funding plan with predictable and diverse revenue.
Click below to download a printable copy of the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan

Contact Larimer County
PHONE: (970) 498-7000
EMAIL: info(AT)larimer.org
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