I voted sticker design contest open to Larimer County high schoolers
The Larimer County Elections Department invites high schoolers at public, private, and home schools to participate in an I Voted Sticker Design Contest.
Larimer County students in grades 9 – 12 can submit designs for use in the 2024 General Election. The winner’s artwork will be on the I Voted stickers distributed to every voter who receives a ballot in Larimer County.
The contest is now open, and entries are due by 5 p.m. March 22. After the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder Department conducts an internal review process to narrow down entries to the top ten finalists, the Larimer County community will have an opportunity to vote on the winner.
Voters can access their ballots through the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder’s social media and at larimer.gov/ivotedsticker. Polls will be open from April 8 through April 12.
The winner will be announced on social media and the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder website by April 19.
For more details, visit larimer.gov/ivotedsticker and follow the Clerk and Recorder on Facebook (facebook.com/LarimerCountyClerkAndRecorder) and X (@Larimer_Clerk).

Tina Harris, Larimer County Clerk, [970] 498-7852, Tina.Harris@larimer.gov