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Knowledge Break Series

 Take a Knowledge Break with us—an engaging, snack-fueled series of quick, informative sessions over your lunch hour! Each month, we’ll explore topics like land protection, electric vehicles, energy efficiency, water planning, and more. Come curious, leave inspired…

Posted: Department: Sustainability and Climate

County receives two silver awards for energy efficiency and renewable energy progress

Larimer County has received recognition awards from two environmental organizations for demonstrating significant progress in energy efficiency and renewable energy.The awards were presented today at the Board of Larimer County Commissioners Administrative Matters meeting.The Colorado Green Business Network [CGBN]…

Posted: Department: Sustainability and Climate

Community input needed for energy use ideas

Ever wonder if there could be better ways to use energy more wisely? As part of Larimer County’s Climate Smart Future Ready Plan,  we need your input to help us focus on energy solutions that benefit everyone in our community.How do we address the challenges of energy use, air quality, extreme weather and natural…

Posted: Department: Sustainability and Climate

Expanding Local Food Access to Equity Priority Communities

This quarter, we are highlighting the Northern Colorado Foodshed Project and their role in Climate Smart Future Ready (CSFR). Find out more through the below Q&A with Carli Donoghue, the organization's Executive Director. What is the Northern Colorado Foodshed…

Posted: Department: Sustainability and Climate

Focusing on Health Impacts from Climate Change

This quarter, we are highlighting CSU Extension and their role in Climate Smart Future Ready (CSFR). Find out more through the below Q&A with Christa Timmerman, the Health and Well-being Specialist for Larimer County CSU Extension. What is CSU Extension and your role there?Larimer County Office…

Posted: Department: Sustainability and Climate

Larimer Conservation District Championing Climate Smart Work

This quarter, we are highlighting the Larimer Conservation District and their role in Climate Smart Future Ready (CSFR). Find out more through the below Q&A with Gretchen Ruening, their Executive Director.  What is the Conservation District and your role there? The Larimer Conservation District (LCD) is a special…

Posted: Department: Sustainability and Climate

Keeping the Earth Green and Blue

Blue Arena at The Ranch has recently implemented an effective recycling program in partnership with PepsiCo termed Replenysh. This project informs the Climate Smart Future Ready circular economy goal of diverting materials from the landfill and expanding recycling. The Ranch transitioned from plastic to aluminum cups for…

Posted: Department: Sustainability and Climate

Mow Down Pollution Program

The Residential Program and Public Entity Grant Program are now open! Go to the Mow Down Pollution page to find out how you can get a voucher for $75- $150 off of new lawn and garden electric equipment. The Regional Air Quality Council has launched the Mow Down Pollution exchange program as part of…

Posted: Department: Sustainability and Climate