Goal 2: Everyone in Larimer County has access to economic opportunities and a vibrant quality of life. We work together to remove barriers.

  • OBJECTIVE 1 |  COMMUNITY HEALTH MAPPING: By 2021, Larimer County will convene an advisory council to develop or adopt a tool for measuring and mapping community health, well-being and resilience. By 2023, Larimer County will implement long-term, sustainable strategies to improve community health by at least 2% annually; as measured by the selected tool.
  • OBJECTIVE 2 | EMPLOYMENT FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: By 2021, Larimer County government will pilot strategies to increase the recruitment and retention of persons with disabilities as employees. By 2023, Larimer County, through public and private partnerships, will decrease the total unemployment rate for residents with disabilities across the county by 5%.
  • OBJECTIVE 3 | CHILD CARE: By 2023 Larimer County, with public and private partners, will increase quality child care capacity by 50% by identifying and implementing investment strategies in the areas of workforce, infrastructure and funding that result in long-term systems change.  Steering Committee Structure.
  • OBJECTIVE 4 | HOUSING ATTAINABILITY: By 2023, Larimer County will reduce the housing overburdened ratio by at least 5% for both owned and rented units. Strategies may include partnerships with municipalities and other agencies to develop and revise applicable requirements and policies; and/or champion projects that provide access to affordable housing. Modified wording for the Objective will be brought forward to the BCC in July 2020.

January 2022

  • Development of a pilot visualization tool continues with collaboration between Public Health and IT, including consultation with the new Data Analyst to be hired in 1st Q 2022.
  • Dashboard presentation to BOCC will be given at a March 23, 2022 work session with public access soon after, knowing that this will be an initial stage with many more data points to be added and built upon this platform.  This tool will be utilized for ongoing analysis and broad decision-making.
  • Alterations to objective language will also be proposed at the March 2022 work session to reflect focused utilization of the tool for responding to community needs rather than a generalized annual percentage increase to a yet-undefined metric.
  • Increasing alignment with Goal 3 Objective 4 regarding data sharing efforts.
  • Existing funding for this project, which was approved via a Service Proposal for the 2020 budget, has been approved to be moved to American Rescue Plan/Fiscal Recovery Fund so that the General Fund appropriation can be redirected to other purposes. The team is assessing and framing the very successful partner project between LCPHE and County IT to create a functional and highly visited COVID dashboard.  This framework will then be applied to the dashboard for this objective and make any necessary adjustments so that the tool is properly owned, maintained, and effectively used beyond 2023.
  • Long term assignment of maintenance and expansion of the tool within the County will likely be with the HEH Administrative office, with commitments to expand related data sources both internal and external to the County. 

January 2021

Two service proposals were funded in 2020 related to this objective: to purchase or develop the tool and the other to add a Data Analyst position. Work has progressed crafting the definitions of health, wellbeing and resilience and the data points that will measure these; at the next quarterly update these definitions will be brought to the BCC. Regarding the creation of the tool, carryover funds will be requested to fund this work in the County’s IT department. 

October 2020

This project continues to move forward and is aligned with the Long-Term Recovery Collaborative’s Unmet Needs Study. There were no proposals received from the RFI that were feasible and will be built internally in the Informational Technology Department. A Data Analyst will be brought on board in coming weeks to help with this effort. The Objective Team is further refining its priorities and targets to ensure that project is meeting crucial needs.

July 2020

The team is working to align efforts with the Long-Term Recovery Collaborative’s data efforts. A Request for Information was completed to identify next steps for development of the tool while the IT Department has been working on a prototype of the visualization and utilization of data sources. Human Resources and Information Technology Departments working on the process to hire Data Analyst that was included in 2020 funding. The Objective Team continuing to work on how to measure baseline definitions for health, wellness, and resilience.

December 2019

The objective one team is working on building a tool to measure health and well-being. The tool will make use of public data in its first phase and then share that data along with internal county data that has also been gathered. The tool will examine what barriers to health and well-being in various population groups exist in the county, using U.S. Census data, too.

January 2022
  • Work continues in HR to evaluate internal processes and work culture.
    • Disability hiring - Funding support in 2022 to assist in low/mid functioning disability wage support $75,000.
      • 2nd PWE that was in the Assessor's Office became a temporary employee on 8/26/21. Originally, her assignment was planned to end 12/31/21 but it has been extended until June 2022.
      • PWE in Health was completed and the individual was hired as a temporary employee on 12/2/21.
      • The PWE in the DA's office did not pan out.
      • PWE in HR for an onboarding video was completed in October 2021 and that individual transitioned to self-employment with DVR and is currently exploring a video with Human Services.
      • PWE was started in Vehicle Licensing by an individual who did their Project Search internship with us. That PWE ended in December 2021 and they became a temporary employee in VL on 12/2/21.
      • COC has put on hold their interest in hiring an individual with disabilities. Due to their high COVID cases, I've moved my reminder to follow up with them in January to March. My last conversation with Tim was that they are very overwhelmed with managing COVID cases.
      • A DVR client that was interested in the Sheriff's Office was put on hold by DVR. DVR is re-assessing the individual's interests and skills.
      • HR is currently looking for placement for a temporary employee whose job in Community Development ends on 1/27/22. This individual is a DVR client.
    • DVR continues to share our jobs weekly and we continue to share resources and things we hear in the community for this population.
    • An outreach to Disability Resource Services from a recruiting standpoint received no response. (This was a Circa lead.)
    • HR purchased a scrapping service from AbilityJobs.com to post our opening with. The contract is signed and the set up is in process.
    • HR has researched and has several options to explore on training for employees around disability awareness.
  • The Inclusion Advisory group (led by Nicole Berg) started in April 2021.  Consists of over 25 LC employees and Laura will be meeting with them to request assistance to advocate for increased placements across departments. (Potential replacement of mixed internal/external Objective Team.)
  • Documenting the County’s employment strategies that can be shared with other organizations via networks such as LC Economic & Workforce Development.
  • Objective statement language changes are being discussed to narrow the focus of employment gains for people with disabilities.

January 2021

Nicole Berg has continued to work on utilizing best practices internally at the County for individuals with disabilities. There have also been several very successful Activity Day, with planning underway for the 2021 event. Unfortunately, much of the work with external partners has stalled due to COVID-19 and the effects it has had on employment.

October 2020

This objective is moving forward with Human Resources developing an employer model for vocational rehabilitation and equity and inclusion efforts. They are also continuing to explore other strategies outside of hiring strategies. They are also conducting an evaluation of awareness and acceptance of equity and inclusion within Larimer County. 

July 2020

Nicole Berg has transitioned into new HR Inclusion Administrator role but the Objective team’s work is currently on hold while Nicole develops her new role. The objective is also on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Human Resources is continuing to explore strategies to increase inclusion and equity within the County.

December 2019

The objective two team, working on reducing unemployment for residents with disabilities, has split into two small sub-committees, internal county employment, and a larger community partner committee. They are working with Larimer County Human Resources and Economic Development to increase inclusion, diversity and vocational rehabilitation/job coaching through the Larimer County Workforce Center. A highly successful Ability Day was recently held where individuals shadowed county employees and elected officials to see what jobs in Larimer County are like.

January 2022
  • Proposal of an employer-based child care facility for Larimer County is paused per BOCC direction to staff.
  • There are several ongoing initiatives in our community regarding accessibility to and capacity for child care services.  These initiatives include:
    • 2021 Child Care Tax ballot proposal (community coalition may propose in the future for voter consideration)
    • Talent 3.0 childcare work for both access to child care as well as child care industry workforce concerns
    • Child care campus concept being considered in Loveland
    • Child care project potentials for use of ARPA/FRF funds collaboratively in the County
    • $197M in ARPA funds being managed by Colorado Department of Human Services/Office of Early Childhood with majority funding going directly to early childhood councils and providers for increased access, tuition subsidies, workforce supports, and provider improvement grants to increase capacity.
  • The Objective Team will meet again in 1st Q 2022 and share updates on the numerous community initiatives in progress.  A work plan for the Objective Team was submitted to the BOCC and County Manager for consideration in September 2021 to ensure progress into 2nd Quarter 2022 per the BOCC’s direction to staff for an assessment of initiatives by May 2022.
  • Future direction for the Objective Team and the objective language is likely to change based on the outcomes of these numerous community initiatives and funding requests.

January 2021

The revised language of this language still appears to be appropriate but will continue to be monitored to ensure that it is still best focused to make the most impact around the childcare sector. Many partners have continued to work on the childcare collaborative, including the Executive Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC). A public awareness campaign has been continuing as well to increase knowledge and understanding around why childcare is important. United Way has been looking at how to fund childcare to move the affordability issue forward. The Early Childhood Council of Larimer County is working to move forward the workforce issue and the decreased wages of childcare providers. The third piece that Larimer County is working on is the infrastructure around childcare and have been looking at how to shift regulations around codes for childcare. The County has also been looking to see what it can do as an employer to affect childcare. 

October 2020

Childcare sector has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This objective team was folded into the Long-Term Recovery Collaborative to become the Early Care and Learning Taskforce, chaired by Christina Taylor. The Early Childhood Council of Larimer County has begun their data analysis and public awareness campaigns through funding from Larimer County and some of the other municipalities. The deliverable of this should be back before the BCC at the next quarterly update in Spring 2021. The ECCLC has also built a tool that also childcare providers to enter their capacity and families can then match to a childcare provider based on their needs. The Human Services team is looking how to build awareness of CCAP and increase the number of providers who accept CCAP. Efforts are being made to help providers who speak Spanish to become licensed childcare providers. 

July 2020

Early Childhood Council of Larimer County (ECCLC) has secured funds from several sources to complete a data analysis/public awareness campaign and a Memorandum of Understanding is pending for funds awarded by BOCC in a 2020 service proposal. The Objective Team will align with the Long-Term Recovery Collaborative task force for early care and learning recovery, chaired by Christina Taylor (ECCLC Exec. Director) with support from Heather O’Hayre. The state of this objective was revised in February 2020 but will be reviewed again due to COVID impacts.

December 2019

The team is structured with several sub-committees surveying the childcare landscape in the county and researching what Larimer County’s role in childcare should be. Partnering with the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County, and the business sector, several action steps are suggested: Executing a community needs analysis to find where gaps and barriers exist for exempt certified in-home care versus a licensed providers; aligning Larimer County’s work with the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County five-year plan working with economic development and human services; developing a child care program for Larimer County employees; exploring a regional childcare and partnering with municipalities; and working with Larimer County Community Development to see where regulations and building codes might be an obstacle impeding child care providers to operate.

January 2022
  • Transition of Objective Team Lead will occur during 1st Quarter 2022 with the expansion of the Housing Stability Program Manager position.
  • Objective team will be reconvened in February 2022 to clarify roles and identify potential next steps from the pending approval from DOLA on our Affordable Housing Development Grant application submitted in December 2021.  Funding will be utilized to further refine Root Policy local recommendations and examine land use and zoning policies.
  • Numerous affordable housing related initiatives have begun in the last year, including support for residents in mobile home communities, extensive emergency rental assistance, and Larimer County-proposed legislation to support tiny homes.
  • A proposal for a County Housing Strategy will be made by September 2022 to include the recommendations from this objective team as well as any other local opportunities for the County to support affordable housing and homeless mitigation.
  • Objective language will likely have suggested modifications included in the September 2022 strategy presentation.

August 2021

April 2021

DRAFT Executive Summary: Larimer County Affordable Housing Needs Assessment

DRAFT REPORT: Affordable Housing Needs Assessment

October 2020

Root Policy is conducting a County-wide housing needs analysis and has begun stakeholder engagement. A Private Activity Bond Policy has been drafted and will move through an internal and external policy process. The Metro Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program resolution was signed and will be providing a presentation to the next Objective Team meeting; however, the municipalities need to also sign resolutions supporting the program. The Larimer Home Improvement Program has seen more community requests. Human Services worked with the Loveland Housing Authority to apply for a Community Development Block Grant to secure more funding for the Larimer Home Improvement Program.

July 2020

4- A RFA selection process is underway to identify a vendor for a housing needs study. Jennifer Fairman, Heather O’Hayre and Laura Walker will be reviewing how best to align with the work of the Long-Term Recovery Collaborative’s housing efforts. The Objective team continues to collaborate to identify a regional housing approach and discuss impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Work is being continued to revise the Larimer County Housing Authority.  Recommendations are being developed to bring to the BOCC for a housing ownership program for County employees and a work session is scheduled for August 12, 2020. The BOCC has provided additional funding to Larimer Home Improvement Program (LHIP) for 2020-2021 to provide resources to be able to serve residents in unincorporated areas of the County. The Human Services Department is collaborating with Loveland Housing Authority to apply for additional Community Development Block Grant funds for the LHIP program. Last, a revised objective statement was presented to the BOCC.

December 2019

The objective four team is researching other Colorado county housing roles and what Larimer County’s role should be while gathering information where gaps and shortfalls exist. Work is being performed on what kind of housing is needed, development issues and accessibility; identifying areas where needs are the greatest --- especially mobile home parks and defining housing needs in unincorporated Larimer County.

The team is also working with Community Development on how to adjust Larimer County processes to increase housing, and what other municipalities have done to reduce impediments; finalizing the Larimer County Housing Authority Intergovernmental Agreement [IGA] while working with Housing Catalyst to increase housing vouchers for families. Work is also being conducted on developing a homeownership program for Larimer County employees to purchase a primary residence within Larimer County.

Board of County Commissioners

200 West Oak, Suite 2200, Fort Collins, CO 80521
HOURS:  Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
PHONE:  (970) 498-7010  
EMAIL:  bocc@larimer.org