Letter from our New Director

I am honored to have joined Larimer County Extension - we truly make a difference in people’s lives & in the community. We provide education on topics ranging from agriculture to health to youth development because our work is responsive to a wide range of community needs. What binds our work together is that we empower people with practical knowledge from Colorado State University and trusted partners. The end result is that Larimer County is better equipped to address challenges & achieve community goals. I hope you can see that in this report & that you’ll consider joining one of our many offerings in the near future.

- Cary Weiner

In 2023, staff hosted:

  • 200+ Educational Events
  • 7,000 Contacts

New Programs Coming in 2024:

  • Financial literacy programming offered with community partners.
  • Expanded work in local food & food systems.
  • More resources for local farmers & ranchers.

2023 Staff:

  • Cary Weiner, Director
  • Alison O'Connor, Extension Professor of Horticulture
  • Amber Webb, Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Specialist
  • Analecia Vasquez, Retail Food Safety Program Coordinator
  • Andy Weakland, Business Operations Manager
  • Bailey Schilling, 4-H Livestock & Shooting Sports Extension Specialist
  • Cari Brown, Marketing & Communications Specialist
  • Cheryl Noble, Community Development Coordinator
  • Diana Castro Gonzalez, 4-H Program Coordinator (STEM/Juntos)
  • Diane Kern, 4-H Program Coordinator
  • Jessica Callen, Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Specialist
  • Rachel Wildman, 4-H Extension Specialist
  • Lisa Auer, Community Engagement Extension Specialist
  • Pam Heeney, 4-H Administrative Specialist
  • Paula Petroff, Administrative Specialist
  • Rachel Wildman, Larimer County Farmers' Market Program Coordinator
  • Christa Timmerman, Extension Professor of Health & Wellness
  • Yutziri Reyes Dominguez, FNEP Peer Educator

4-H Youth Development

Growing leadership & Life skills  ·  Graduating with options

For over 100 years, Larimer County 4-H has supported our youth.  Learn more, see available projects, or sign up.

  • 858 Members
  • 316 Volunteers
  • 700+ Workshops & Events
  • 26 Clubs
  • 11 Graduates of the Juntos 4-H Pilot Program
  • 1,400+ Exhibits at the Larimer County Fair
  • 40+ Projects Supported

2023 National Competitions

  • Family Consumer Science Team
    • Competed at the National Lifesmarts Championship
    • Competed at the National Western Roundup
  • Shooting Sports
    • 4 members competed at the 4-H Nationals Shooting Sports Competition
  • Livestock Quiz Bowl Team
    • Participated in the National 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Contest
  • Fashion Revue
    • 2 members competed at the National Western Roundup

New 4-H Extension Specialist: Rachel Wildman

Rachel's love for 4-H is contagious; she grew up in Larimer County 4-H. After graduating from Colorado State University, Rachel accepted a position as the Larimer County Farmers' Market Coordinator. In August of 2023, she moved roles to serve as our 4-H Extension Specialist.

Food Safety

Reducing foodborne illness  ·  Providing Food safety education

Food Safety Training

Our Certified Food Protection Manager & Food Safety Works classes provide much needed training to retail food employees. Often, we are the only option for in-person classes in Northern Colorado. Classes are open to the general public & schedules are available on our website.

  • 45 Retail Food Safety Classes
  • 71+ Establishments Attended a Retail Food Safety Class
  • 288 Participants in Retail Food Safety Classes
  • 84 Participants Utilized Spanish Interpretation

Food Safety in the Home

  • 608 Food Safety Questions Answered
  • 682 Participants in Food Preservation Classes

Larimer County Farmers' Market

Supporting local food by connecting local farmers & shoppers

  • $1.74 million Gross Sales in 2023
  • 67,468 Customers (not including children)
  • $461,071 Gross Sales of Fresh Produce From 20 Produce Vendors
  • 80 Average Vendors Per Market
  • Supported Food Program Spending:
    • WIC: $1,890
    • SNAP: $25,202
    • Double Up Food Bucks: $19,680

Update: Farmers Market & Food Systems Coordinator

In 2023, we expanded the Farmers‘ Market Coordinator Position to include “Food Systems“.  New responsibilities will include coordinating trainings for local food producers.

Visit us in 2024:

May 18 - October 26
9am - 1pm
200 W. Oak Street

Health & Well-Being

Providing Resources to Older Adults for Greater Health & Well-Being

  • Senior Access Points of Larimer County
    • 6,636 Visits to Larimerseniors.org
    • 1,156 Outreach materials distributed
  • New Program: Advance Care Planning
    •  In April 2023, we started offering Advance Care Planning resources at no cost. Our staff can give community presentations, answer questions, or notarize documents.  Learn more.
  • Market Days for Older Adults; Providing fresh produce to low-income older adults from local farmers.
    • 310 Individuals Served
    • 2,050 Bags Distributed
    • $32,043 to Local Growers

Reducing Household Exposure to Radon

50% of homes in Larimer County have unsafe levels of radon. In 2023, we received a grant from the Colorado Department of Health & Environment to conduct an awareness campaign in January 2024.

Welcome Christa Timmerman, Extension Professor of Health & Wellness

Christa has over 10 years of experience working in health education & public health. She is passionate about community engagement & is excited to support our mission.

Ag & Natural Resources

Supporting local farms, ranches, & natural resources on private lands

  • 11 Site Visits
  • 50 Native Plant Master Students
  • 41 Native Plant Volunteer Hours

Welcome Jessica Callen, Agriculture & Natural Resource Specialist

Jessica Callen joined Larimer County Extension in June of 2023, after completing her Masters in Soil & Crop Science.  Jessica is passionate about soil health & grew up on a small farm in Oregon.  During her first few months, Jessica spent time visiting with stakeholders in the community to learn more about the short & long-term needs of the community.

Yard & Garden

Supporting Healthy Yard & Garden Management

  • 868 Questions Answered Via Direct Phone/Email
  • 382 “Ask Extension” Questions Answered
  • 4,951 lbs Produce Donated Through Grow & Give
  • 19 HOA & Lawncheck Assessments
  • 110 Presentations

Master Gardener Volunteers

Answer Yard & Garden Questions  ·  Participate in Projects  ·  Share Knowledge

  • 128 Volunteers
  • 1,827 Hours of Continuing Education
  • 5,638 Volunteer Hours
  • $179,288 in Value to Larimer County

Larimer County Master Gardener Sweet Pepper Trials

A total of 15 sweet pepper varieties were tested from 2022 - 2023 to see what grows well in Northern Colorado. See the results.

Have a Yard or Garden Question?

Contact the Master Gardeners

Community Development

Increasing civic participation

Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI)

  • Bridging the gap between local residents & decision-makers.
  • Making sure that programs & policies reflect multiple community voices.
  • Supporting local decision-makers by bringing diverse community voices to the table.
  • 10 Classes Offered in English & Spanish
  • 32 Graduates
    • 16 Youth & 16 Adults
  • 46 Hours of Consultation Services Provided to Local Partners

Aging Mastery

Informing & supporting older adults as they take steps to improve their lives & engage with their communities. Offered with Fuerza Latina.

  • 11 Classes Offered in Spanish
  • 9 Graduates
  • 8 Club Meetings for Alumni

Connect With Us

Register for workshops  ·  Find Fact Sheets  ·  Contact our staff

  • LarimerExtension.org
  • 970.498.6000
  • CSUExtension@Larimer.org
  • 1525 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524
  • Facebook: fb.com/larimercountyextension
  • Instagram: @larimer_county_extension 
  • tinyurl.com/LarimerExtensionYouTube