Drop-offs for New Entry Clients:
New clients entering the Residential program may have one property drop-off at the facility within their first week of entry.  Per the Guidebook, this entry property should be no more than 7 - 10 days worth of property (or what will fit in one large black trash bag).  This initial property drop-off can happen at any time within the client's first week, but the client should inform staff when the drop-off will happen.  The property must be brought directly to staff in the control room by the person dropping it off and there can be no visitation at this time between the client and the property drop-off person.  This property must be searched before it is released to the client.  Please be sure that the property being brought in adheres to program rules.  Refer to the resident and family guidebook for allowed property and contraband lists.  

Drop-offs for Treatment Clients/Visitation:
Limited property drop-offs will be permitted during visitation for treatment clients only (IRT and STIRT) - see the "Visitation" page for visitation times.  Currently, visitation is only permitted for treatment (men's and women's IRT) clients as residential clients have community access and can earn pass time.  These property drop-offs must be kept to a reasonable size - everything being brought for the client must completely fit into one standard milk crate.  Food, clothes, toiletries and personal items will be accepted but please be sure that these items do not violate program rules.  Food must be store-bought and in the original container.  No home-made food, restaurant/fast food or opened containers will be accepted.  All beverages must be in cans or sealed, personal sized screw-top bottles.  The property to be dropped off must be brought directly to staff in the control room when the visitor is checking in and this property must be searched before it is released to the client. Each client will only be permitted one drop-off per day and visitors can drop off property for only one client at a time. Property can also be dropped off for treatment clients who do not have a scheduled visit but all drop-off guidelines still apply. Please keep in mind that clients have limited space in which to store food items. Staff will turn away or donate any food in excess of what can be properly stored.