Current Job Openings

Job Search Services

The Workforce Connection team connects job seekers to job search resources and services.  One resource is access to Connecting Colorado. All current job openings in the state Workforce Centers are posted in Connecting Colorado.  Register or log in at Connecting Colorado to get more information on these jobs (and others) and apply.   

Want to receive this list?  

Click on the link below, enter your email address, and we will email the current job openings every regular business day.  (When you no longer want to receive the job openings, simply unsubscribe.)

Subscribe to current job openings email


Let the Workforce Connections team help you navigate to your next opportunity.  

We offer a variety of services to maximize your online job search.  Including virtual hiring events.  

Job search services


Do you need training for your next opportunity? 

LCEWD may be able to help you take the next step in your education, training or career by providing financial assistance, if you are determined eligible. 

Training Interest Form

Job openings in Connecting Colorado for

This list is updated around 10 am each business day.

Job Title Employer City Salary Job #
{{ r.JobTitle }} {{ r.Employer }} {{ r.City }} {{ r.Salary }} {{ r.Order }}  

The primary job site used by Colorado Workforce Centers is Connecting Colorado.  Once registered with Connecting Colorado you will be able to search thousands of jobs listed.  

Additional Colorado Job Boards.