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A Benefits Recipient has several options to dispute actions regarding their benefits. Overpayment claims can also be disputed.  As a recipient, please review your benefit letters, which provide specific appeal rights and instructions. 

Local-Level Dispute Resolution

If you are interested in a local-level dispute resolution conference (these are referred to as informal meetings on benefit letters) the Appeals and Hearings Unit helps to provide you, as a benefits recipient, the opportunity to dispute an eligibility determination.   

County CDR Appeal Form

During the appeal process, the County Hearing Officer also works to ensure an applicant or client/participant household understands the applicable state department rules related to their benefits dispute.

State-Level Fair Hearing

A Benefits Recipient may also choose to bypass the local-level dispute meeting and appeal directly to the Office of Administrative Courts for a State-Level Fair Hearing. These hearings are conducted on a formal basis with an Administrative Law Judge. To find out more about the State Level Fair Hearing process, please visit the Office of Administrative Courts website https://oac.colorado.gov/ for more information.   State Appeal Form