Red Mountain Open Space
25 miles north of Fort Collins
Red Mountain Open Space is open to the public for the spring, summer, and fall months.
The Management Plan for Red Mountain Open Space requires closures to the public December 1 to March 1 because of winter weather changes and the wildlife requirements.
Deep crimson and tan rocks, rolling grasslands, and sandy washes await you at Red Mountain Open Space, a 15,780-acre open space in northeastern Colorado. From the trailhead, hikers, bikers, and horseback riders can take off on over 15 miles of multi-use trails. Then, they can access the trails in two adjacent protected areas that are part of a much larger vision — the Laramie Foothills Mountains to Plains Project — which protects over 55,000 acres of ecologically and culturally diverse landscape.
Some of the first humans in North America resided here over 12,000 years ago, and people have lived and worked this land since. Out of respect for these cultures, collection of any artifact is strictly prohibited. It is up to each of us to help preserve the ecological and cultural integrity of this area.
Red Mountain Open Space has no entrance fee and is open sunrise to sunset, March through November. The trailhead is on County Road 21, just 25 miles north of Fort Collins.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no access to Red Mountain Open Space from Red Mountain Road off North Highway 287, or Harriman Road off Interstate 80.