No upcoming workshops are currently scheduled.

Over the summer the CareerRise team is offering a series of Job Search Workshops to teens between the ages of 14-21. Dates and registration coming soon!

Foundations for Employment Success

Learn how to promote yourself & shine throughout the job search process

Workshop Description: Get started with your job search by defining your own individual skills, strengths, and goals to develop your "personal brand". You will walk away understanding how to implement your unique brand into each aspect of the job search process and learn how to be successful on the job!

Resume Building

Workshop Description: Learn to create a resume that will attract employers even if you have no previous work experience. This action lab will teach you how to make the skills you have shine to win you an interview! 

*Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet to support actual work on resume during the workshop.

Interviewing Skills

Workshop Description: You have a great job search plan, a dynamite resume, and now an interview! This workshop gives you not only practice for common interview questions but also tips and techniques on how to best present yourself to the employer and the business (even with no work history!) to get that job offer. Learn how to tell stories and follow up after an interview.