Why is Recycling important?

  • Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators.
  • Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals.
  • Prevents pollution and reduces greenhouse gases by reducing the need to mine and process new raw materials.
  • Helps create jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries in the United States

All waste haulers in Larimer County offer recycling! Find out more information about the service in your area, electronic recycling,  and material guides here


Recycling hazardous materials

Proper disposal of hazardous and liquid waste prevents harmful substances from entering the environment. It also prevents damaging soil, groundwater and streams, or causing harm to people and animals.

Learn more about what counts as hazardous waste. Check out our  drop n’ swap hazardous waste program where we offer usable products under our "Buy none, get one free" policy. 

Why should I start Composting?

  • Well-made compost is the single best soil enriching amendment 
  • Compost retains a large volume of water, thus helping to prevent erosion, reduce runoff, and establish vegetation.
  • It reduces organic waste in landfills which normally would decompose in anaerobic conditions releasing methane. This is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.
  • When you divert food and yard waste from landfill disposal, you also save precious landfill space. Organic waste makes up about 30% of waste found in landfills.
  • Compost improves soil structure and nutrient content. This reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

Start your composting journey! Learn about pickup or drop off services by browsing Solid Waste's Practical Composting page.