The Larimer County Weed District office has moved

Visit us at our new address at The Ranch complex in Loveland. 
OFFICE (as of Dec 1, 2023): 
5450 Arena Circle, Suite 110, Loveland, CO 80538    MAP
MAILING ADDRESS: 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland, CO 80538
PHONE: (970) 498-5768

OFFICE HOURS: Please call ahead for an appointment. Wednesday - Friday (except holidays)  8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The Larimer County Weed District offers the following services to help you achieve the most cost-effective solutions to your land management issues. Please click the link below to make an appointment, or call (970) 498-5768 if you have any questions.

The Weed District offers free site visits to all landowners in Larimer County. During a site visit, a weed specialist will:

  • Walk the property with you
  • Identify plants
  • Understand your goals for the land
  • Consider any sensitivity you may have
  • Discuss best management practices with alternative solutions when applicable

Based on the above factors, the weed specialist will:

  • Make a quality, cost-effective recommendation
  • Ensure that you understand what needs to be done and the timing of various controls
  • Offer estimates on what it may cost to accomplish your goals

Use the above navigation block to set up an appointment at or call (970) 498-5768 and Weed District staff will coordinate a date and time that will work best for you and the specialist.

If you live within the Weed District boundary, you can receive reimbursements to reduce the cost of herbicides and mowing. Learn more about the cost-share program.

Weed district boundary map inside larimer county

The Larimer County Weed District has selective herbicides available for purchase. The Weed District is committed to offering herbicides that are proven to be the most effective with the least environmental impact. Buy herbicides for range, pasture and natural areas at the Weed District Office. This service is available to all Larimer County residents.

HERBICIDE SALES: Please set up an appointment before coming to office so that we can check product availability.
Customers should use the above Navigation block to put in their orders in advance or call (970) 498-5768 or email:

  • Appointment hours are Wednesday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • No refunds or exchanges will be accepted.

Staff from the Larimer County Weed District is available to give on-site presentations on noxious weed identification and management to HOAs, schools, agencies or any other interested groups or organizations.

In the above navigation block send us a photo of a weed you find in Larimer County and our staff will help you identify it.

The weed management of county-maintained rights-of-way is the responsibility of the Larimer County Weed District and mandated by the Colorado Noxious Weed Act. Property owners requesting "no spray" are responsible for noxious weed management within that zone. Failure to comply will result in Larimer County resuming spraying operations. The posting requirements listed below must be met if Larimer County is to honor a request to refrain from treating an area with herbicides.

  • Signs must be posted immediately adjacent to the rights-of-way but not on the rights-of-way.
  • Signs must be posted at each end of the property; spraying operations will end at the point where the first sign is posted and begin at the point where the second sign is posted.
  • Signs must be clearly visible to approaching traffic from the road; they must be at least 36 inches above the ground and not obstructed from view.
  • Signs and the lettering on them must be large enough to be easily read from 20 yards distance.
  • Requests need to be submitted annually.

To request County Road No Spray areas, submit your request using the link below. You will need to create an account in the online portal first before submitting your request.

Submit a Do Not Spray Request

If you do not have Internet access, please call (970) 498-5768 for assistance

Larimer County Weed District

OFFICE (as of Dec 1, 2023): 5450 Arena Circle, Suite 110, Loveland, CO 80538
MAILING ADDRESS: 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland, CO 80538
PHONE: (970) 498-5768
OFFICE HOURS: Please call ahead for an appointment. Wednesday - Friday (except holidays), 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.