About Us
Child Protection Services is a mandated service that provides 24-hour assistance in responding to allegations of child abuse and neglect. Our response includes assessment of risk and safety, and to provide support to families through the provision of early intervention, prevention and trauma informed services. Referrals can be made by law enforcement, schools, medical professionals, or anyone who is concerned for the safety and well-being of a child. Each referral is screened through the HUB.
Child Protection Services in Larimer County is offered through a Differential Response Model. This approach allows CPS to respond differently to accepted reports of child abuse and neglect based on factors such as type and severity of the maltreatment, number and sources of previous reports, and willingness of the family to participate in services. We seek to achieve safety of children through family engagement and collaborative partnerships with other human service agencies in Larimer County in helping families.
To report child abuse and neglect in Larimer County call 970-498-6990 or 1-844-CO4KIDS (1-844-264-5437)